Lodge Structure |
Lodges within The Order have a loose structure with various titles that can be allocated to members of the lodge. A lodge can have any number of members.
Generally the person who forms the lodge declares themselves to be the Master of that lodge. A woman who forms a lodge would declare herself to be the Priestess of the lodge, however, throughout this page Master is used for convenience.
Once formed the Master of the lodge decides to allocate the other titles to those whom he decides deserve them. Not all titles have to be awarded so where the lodge has a limited number of members there may be spare titles. Alternatively individuals may hold more than one title.
It is also possible that the Master of a lodge decides to rotate titles in which case an individual might be awarded the title of Imbiber, Tippler or Token Bloke for a month, week or possibly even the duration of a session.
Usually the individual who first discovered and joined The Order by registering the lodge via the normal application process. Where a lodge is started by a woman the title is Priestess.
In a situation where a lodge
is based on a drinking establishment or club then it may be appropriate for
the landlord, bartender or some other key person to assume the title of Master
of the lodge.
The holder of this position is responsible for ensuring that toasts to Bácchus are called. He is also responsible for the spiritual well-being of the lodge members, however, we haven't really figured out what that means yet so make it up for yourself.
The Tippler is responsible for more mundane or perhaps material matters within a lodge which might include organising lodge meetings (usually known as sessions), dealing with day to day activities, if there are any, or even just pointing out whose turn it is to buy a round of drinks.
Ale Sitter
Very nearly an anagram of Aleister named after the late Aleister Crowley (130th Grand Master). This position is awarded to an individual who sits on their drink all night and often cannot keep up with the level of bibbing of other lodge members. Due to the often frail nature of the Ale Sitter it is an honorary title and there are no official duties to be performed apart from perhaps being responsible for driving everyone else home.
Token Bloke/Token Bird
The title Token Bloke is awarded to a FEMALE member of a largely male lodge. She thereby gains honorary male status. The opposite is true for a Token Bird, where a largely female lodge with a small number of male members awards the title of Token Bird to a MALE member and the Token Bird thereby gains honorary female status.
There is no formal role for the Token Bloke/Token Bird because after all it is a token position. It is not possible for a lodge to have both a Token Bloke and a Token Bird.